3 years to 4 years
Welcome to Preschool 4! You and your child are about to embark on a thrilling adventure that will help your child learn and grow in exciting new ways. Children at the Preschool age are eager to try new things and to take more initiative. Because Preschool children strive to be more self-reliant, our main focus is to assist your child on their road to independence. Through the Creative Curriculum, we will be able to create unique, individualized lesson plans that will aid your child in learning to take initiative on his/her own.
-Offer your child opportunities to make choices
-Provide your child with ample opportunities for creative expression
-Allow your child freedom to explore the environment
-Encourage your child to work independently
-Value your child's ideas
-Promote problem solving and appropriate risk taking
Your child will learn to be more independent and self-confident through activities using the five developmental domains: Fine Motor Skills, Gross Motor Skills, Social/Emotional Skills, Language Skills, and Cognitive Skills. Because Preschool children learn solely through play, the Creative Curriculum implements the Five Developmental Domains through classroom center areas such as dramatic play, blocks, toys and games, art, library, discovery, etc. Ultimately, we aim to help your child reach the goals listed below.
Goals for your child:
-Develop fine motor skills
-Develop coordination and large motor skills
-Learn how to follow basic direction
-Develop social skills
-Learn how to care for themselves
-Develop basic English language skills
-Develop a love of learning and awareness of the world around them