2 Years to 3 Years
Welcome to Twoodles! We are excited to have the opportunity to build a relationship with each child and family. Throughout the year in the Twoodles classroom, your child will grow into an amazing toddler! We make every experience a learning experience.
Goals for the Twoodles Classroom:
Develop and enhance communication skills
Strengthen language development through play, songs, books, and finger plays
Create art projects that incorporate different materials and textures
Use music which is cultural and classic, as well as, favorite children songs.
Explore math skills (counting, measuring, matching, shapes, and opposites)
Conduct science experiments and foster an appreciation for nature
Complete activities that build and work on your child's fine motor skills (painting, puzzles, stringing objects)
Have circle time daily that encourages learning through songs and movement
Create and support peer interactions (this included validating feelings and problem-solving together)